Strong Contractor Dual Arm

With the Strong Contractor Dual Arm, Strong offers a full-featured articulated bracket solution. With universal compatibility and infinite adjustability, you'll appreciate the flexibility, professional construction and value of this Strong Contractor Series Universal Articulating Dual Arm Mount. Plus, it's easy to install and features all-black hardware, built-in cable management, and helpful post-installation adjustments.

Strong Contractor Dual Arm




With the Strong Contractor Dual Arm, Strong offers a full-featured articulated bracket solution. With universal compatibility and infinite adjustability, you'll appreciate the flexibility, professional construction and value of this Strong Contractor Series Universal Articulating Dual Arm Mount. Plus, it's easy to install and features all-black hardware, built-in cable management, and helpful post-installation adjustments.

Product contains: 1 portions

Availability: Available SKU: SM-CS-ART2-L Category:

Delivery time: 10-14 days


Strong Contractor Dual Arm for 37-70″ displays

With the Strong Contractor Dual Arm, Strong offers a full-featured articulated bracket solution. With universal compatibility and infinite adjustability, you'll appreciate the flexibility, professional construction and value of this Strong Contractor Series Universal Articulating Dual Arm Mount. Plus, it's easy to install and features all-black hardware, built-in cable management, and helpful post-installation adjustments.

Easy to install

Simply attach the arms to your TV (up to 90") and hang it on the mounting extension. The installation only takes a few minutes.

Integrated cable management

Cable management covers are integrated into the arms of the mount to provide your customers with a clean installation.

Easy horizontal adjustment

This bracket is easy to adjust to an awkward bolt position. Multiple screw slots in the backplate allow for up to 6 inches of horizontal displacement.

leveling adjustment

After installation, simply rotate the TV to compensate for the tilt caused by uneven weight distribution.

Adjustable tension

Whether the movement is too stiff or too loose when installed, simple adjustments at the joints allow you to adjust the tension on the fly.

Robust construction

Like all of our mounts, this Strong product lives up to its name. A stamped steel backplate and welded tubular steel arms provide rugged durability and smooth movement.

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